Collection: Products

Share and add your new link in bio everywhere

Spread the word and seamlessly integrate your new bio link across all platforms, maximizing visibility and accessibility.

Frequently asked questions

What happens after payment ?

After payment, you'll instantly receive an email with a PDF document containing the link to customize your design, a video tutorial, and links to +10 free Instagram designs.

Monthly fees or a lifetime purchase ?

It's a one-time purchase, $0 monthly fees. Buy once and customize and use it indefinitely.

Can I edit and update as I want?

As many times as you want and as your beauty business evolves.

How do I handle appointments ?

You can add your appointment scheduling links such as Calendly or any other tool you use on your link in bio. Your visitors will click on the buttons, redirecting them directly to the appointment calendar.

I offer multiple services at once.

That's great ! You can add everything you do in your design.

Can I add the link in my social media bios ?

You can put it anywhere ! It's up to you.